Youth Activities
The Westville Synagogue Youth Committee is always looking to expand our programs and draw more families.
The Westville Synagogue Youth Committee sponsors many youth activities throughout the year. We offer activities that appeal to children of all ages as well as their parents.
Boys over age 9 take turns leading the end of Musaf during regular davening for the entire congregation. Other programs in the works are a teen movie night, a kids ice cream social, and various Tikun Olam projects.
Each year the youth committee sponsors a Sukkah Decorating Party, Hanukkah Party, Purim Carnival and Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration. We coordinate with other local Synagogues to provide community wide events.
During the summer, the Westville Synagogue begins its annual Shabbat family gathering schedule. Members of the Shul community open up their yards (or homes in case of rain) for learning, eating and schmoozing while passing the long Shabbat afternoons of summer. Host families provide yummy treats and fun is had by all members of the family.