Membership Application

We would be pleased to welcome you as a member of our Community. We are a small Congregation that offers a warm and rewarding experience. Each member of our congregation supports the activities of our synagogue in accordance with his or her ability to pay; dues are based upon the individual family’s gross income.

We welcome all Jews as members of our synagogue regardless of ability to pay.

In cases of hardship, adjustments can be arranged to reduce membership costs. All communication regarding dues is strictly confidential.




Yearly Membership Fees

Family membership: $1200*
Single Membership: $600* 
Out of town membership: $125** 
Associate membership: Single $200; Family $300*** 

All fees are due in full every 1st of March. Dues are pro-rated for new members. Please make all checks payable to The Westville Synagogue.

• If you would like to be a Full Member, but cannot afford the full membership dues, please contact Barbara Zalesch at 203 589-1100 to arrange a reduced rate.
** Out of town membership: former members of the shul who have moved out of state.
*** Associate membership:
1. Previous members of Westville Synagogue who live more than 25 miles from Westville Synagogue.
2. Persons who have never been a member of Westville Synagogue, live in New Haven or environs, have full membership in another area synagogue and the combined dues of the other synagogue and the Associate membership dues is greater than the Family ($1200) or Single ($600) membership, depending upon their family status.
3. Others upon the concurrence of the Chairman, President, Treasurer and Rabbi.

Please note:
1. Associate Members are on all mailing lists and receive member rates for shul rental.
2. Associate Members are eligible to attend High Holiday Services without extra payment, but, like full members, are asked to pay for High Holiday guests.
3. Associate Members do not vote, hold office or have cemetery privileges.